
নভেম্বর, ২০২০ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

what is Turbocharger/Supercharger ???? how does a turbo work???


ম্যাগনেটিক কন্টাকটর এবং উহার কার্যপ্রনালী ? What is magnetic Contactor and its Operating Principle


1KW=How much ampere in English ????????????


What is electronics and function of it?????

  What is electronics?   The brunch of engineering which deals with conduction of electron through a   field named gas, vacuum and semiconductor is called the Electronics. An Electronics device   is that conduct electron through it . Such as Transistor, Diode, TRIAC, DIAC etc.   Duties of Electronics Device: The electronics device performs the following functions. 1.      Rectification 2.      Amplification 3.      Control 4.      Generation 5.      Conversion of Light   into Electricity 6.      Conversion of Electricity into light. 7.        Rectification: The conversion of AC into DC is called the rectification. The efficiency   of this device is so much high compared to the others.   Amplification: The process of raising strength of a weak signal is called the amplifi...

Star Delta Control Connection in Bangla/ স্টার ডেল্টা কন্ট্রোল সার্কিট ড...


Star Delta Power Circuit Diagram in Bangla


IPS Connection Bangla/বাসা বাড়িতে IPS কানেকশান কিভাবে দিতে হয়?????


Reverse Forward connection in Bangla
