What is electronics and function of it?????


What is electronics?


The brunch of engineering which deals with conduction of electron through a  field named gas, vacuum and semiconductor is called the Electronics. An Electronics device  is that conduct electron through it .

Such as Transistor, Diode, TRIAC, DIAC etc.


Duties of Electronics Device: The electronics device performs the following functions.

1.     Rectification

2.     Amplification

3.     Control

4.     Generation

5.     Conversion of Light  into Electricity

6.     Conversion of Electricity into light.



The conversion of AC into DC is called the rectification. The efficiency  of this device is so much high compared to the others.



The process of raising strength of a weak signal is called the amplification such as weak signal as a radio signal and receiver take this signal by a antenna and raise it into the strengthen signal as a amplification, after that we can here it as audio signal with a clear sound.



Electronic device that is used for handling the electrical device such as motor is called the control. The motor is controlled by a electronic device.



Electronic device can convert DC power into AC power of any frequency. The process is called the oscillation and the device is used for oscillation is called the oscillator.


Conversion of light into electricity:

 We use internet in our daily life and the signal transfer through a media is called optical cable. Optical cable is made with optics and its can handle only light signal. So a electronic device is used for conversion of light into electrical signal at output terminal or at a receiving end.


Conversion of electricity into light:

At the sending end of optical communicaltion, an electrical  signal is converted into an light signal by a electronic device.




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